RC Cornelison*, JX Yuan*, KM Tate, A Petrosky, G Beeghly, M Bloomfield, S Schwager, A Berr, C Stine, D Cimini, J Mandell, BW Purow, B Horton, and JM Munson (2022). A patient-designed tissue-engineered model of the infiltrative glioblastoma microenvironment. NPJPrecision Oncology. 6(1), 54. *Equal contributions
Hardy JG, Cornelison RC, Sukhavasi RC, Saballos RJ, Vu P, Kaplan DL, and Schmidt CE (2015). Electroactive tissue scaffolds with aligned pores as instructive platforms for biomimetic tissue engineering. Journal of Bioengineering, 2.1: 15-34. PMID: 28955011. Top 3 cited article in the journal as of 2018.
Hardy JG, Geissler SA, Aguilar Jr. D, Villancio-Wolter MK, Mouser DJ, Sukhavasi RC, Cornelison RC, Tien LW, Preda RC, Hayden RS, Chow JK, Nguy L, Kaplan DL, Schmidt CE (2015). Instructive conductive 3D silk foam-based bone tissue scaffolds enable electrical stimulation of stem cells for enhanced osteogenic differentiation. Macromolecular Bioscience, 15.11: 1490-1496. PMID: 26033953.
Department of Biomedical Engineering Life Science Laboratories 240 Thatcher Way University of Massachusetts Amherst Amherst, MA 01003